Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Acrylic on Wood
"Intent" (11.5"x24")
Lioness, based on a couple photos I took of her at the Denver Zoo.
I am home again after a week and some days absence, and a few thousand miles more on the odometer. I spent some time on top of a mountain, some time in a valley, and most of the time painting and sketching. I did a few acrylic paintings on wooden boards salvaged from a dumpster.
Here's a few photos of painting "Intent"
These two, "Lemmikki Paws" (9"x13") and "Trondheim" (11.5"x24") are based on a some photos I took while learning to drive a dogsled and wrangle the dogs a few years ago.
"Cazador" (13"x14.5")
Jaguar, based on a couple photos I took of him at the Denver Zoo last fall.
Anyhow, I am back again and have a few things in mind to work on for AnthroCon, some emails to get back to, a couple loose ends to tie up, and the time (and stable Internet) to start digging into a few of those Hogwarts badges. Later today, I'll be posting the official Across Thin Ice release announcement! Stay tuned!