Across Thin Ice, the first of the
Nordguard books, is officially finished. While I wrapped up my part a week ago, the publisher has finished their end, of layout and final checks. They’ve sent it off to the printers and I can breathe easy again. I’ve been getting more than four hours a sleep a night for the first time in months, which feels
amazing. Waking up with a clean slate, no deadlines and absolute artistic freedom again is pretty fantastic as well. No more sled dogs, no more snow, no more comic pages—for a least a couple months. It’s just the first book of three, after all. ;]
Anyway. In a few days, I’ll post more, with all of the official
Across Thin Ice information, like the cover, the release date, the online sale date, and prices for the soft and hard cover editions.
But now, it’s time for something
completely different. Free badges.
Earlier this year, while working on
Across Thin Ice, I listened to the entire Harry Potter series on audiobook, narrated by Stephen Fry. I had read them before when they were coming out, but I loved listening to them again. I realized there was so much I had missed in my reading frenzy to figure out what happens. If you like Harry Potter and haven’t listened to the Stephen Fry versions, you are really doing yourself a disservice. No offense to the other guy who did the American audiobooks, but Stephen Fry is wholly awesome. And he does a great Ron. But, moving on…
I was already excited about
AnthroCon’s theme this year when they announced it-- Anthropomorphic Institute of Magic. By the time I’d finished the 100+ hours of Harry Potter, I really wanted to do some Hogwarts themed badges, and the more the merrier. So, I figured I’d offer free badges. However, here’s the tricky part:
This is just for people who are attending AnthroCon, and it is only for Harry Potter/Hogwarts themed badges. I ask that people fill out the little questionnaire below and email it to AC.HP.Badge[at]gmail.com
I will pick email entries out at random, and do badges as I have the time between other paintings, before AnthroCon. You can pick up your badge at my table (where it will be delivered by owl) at AnthroCon—I won’t be mailing any, I’m sorry. I’m not sure how many I’ll be able to do, but more than six and less than could fit in a breadbox is probably a good estimation. ;]
Here’s a few samples I made. If your email is one that I pick, your badge will look akin to these, be 3x4 inches, with your character in appropriate house robes, the house title below your name, etc.
So, if you’re interested and attending AnthroCon in June…Email your answers for the questions below, to: AC.HP.Badge[at]gmail.com
1. Name displayed on badge:
2. A link to your character’s reference image (2 max, please.)
3. Which one of the four Hogwarts Houses you’d be in:
OR, if you’d rather be from Beauxbatons or Durmstrang.
OR, if you’d rather be disguised as a muggle…which means I get to dress your character in heinously mismatching outfits, as a wizard would wear who is pretending to be “normal.”
4. (Optional) Your favorite subject in school (ie Potions, Transfiguration, Quidditch, etc.):
5. (Optional) If you want to have an owl in your badge, let me know what kind! Same goes with small animals like snakes, rats or cats.
The cutoff date for entries is May 10th. Don’t submit more than once, please—if I see the same email or same characters, it’ll disqualify your entry. If I finish yours, I’ll let you know via email if you have a badge waiting for you at AnthroCon.
And if you can’t attend AnthroCon or hate Harry Potter, I apologize, and perhaps someday I’ll be able to offer something more up your alley. ;]