Here is my finished image for the 2012 Werewolf Calendar!
The calendar itself goes on sale Sept. 1st, and is full of really awesome art from a bunch of people! You can find out more information on!
The caption I was assigned to illustrate was:
Depending on the geographic region in which a werewolf or werewolf pack may reside, fishing may play an important role in the hunting and social life of the solitary wolf or family unit. In the pacific Northwest the annual salmon run provides the wild werewolf with an abundance of fresh food and easy meals. The wealth of fish is shared with other species including the grizzly and brown bear whom also visit the streams of migrating fish. Due to the sudden overabundance of food, competition is temporarily suspended among species whom are typically competing predatory rivals. Sightings of both werewolf families and other wild predators sharing a stream peacefully in close proximity of one another have been documented. Fish is also often dried by family groups and saved as a reserve for bitter winter months when food is scarce.
(And here's the sketch for the image!)