Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Room Party-- It's Official!

The Room Party Game is now awesomely official, which is great, since according to people who have now played the real thing, it's already officially awesome!

What the hell am I even talking about? Well, it's a card game about convention Room Parties. You build the best, and sabotage the rest!
More info and all that:

We developed the game seven years ago, and just last year with the help of a good friend, brought the project to KickStarter where it was funded (and then some!)

The Core Deck features 160 cards, each with custom artwork done by Mandi Tremblay.
The FurCon Expansion Deck has 55 fur-related cards, with artwork by myself!

From the FurCon Expansion, here's the "Popufur" and "Ruining the Magic" cards!

There will be a VERY limited number of decks for sale at FurtherConfusion this weekend!

(KickStarter backers, your decks are hitting the postbox next month!)

You can find the Room Party game on my table, right next to Sofawolf Press! Come check it out and play a demo!

If you can't get to FurtherConfusion or you miss out on the limited number we'll have for sale there, fear not! The official online sales of the game will start in February (pre-orders in late January). We will do our best to make sure you don't miss out.

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Wednesday, December 18, 2013



Who wakes in the wilderness when night is done
Fancying himself lord of all the land
May see what was not there at the set of sun
And tremblingly will come to understand
The peril that has passed him in the dark -- the sand.

~Archibald Rutledge

Something I painted as a sponsor print for ConFurgence, coming up in January!
(The original will probably make it's way to FurtherConfusion's art show/auction.)

Monday, September 9, 2013

If So

"If So"

I think I'll journey out some day to wondrous lands afar,
Or even chart a journey to a distant blazing star.
But rest assured that when my journey begs to take its cue,
Always know that when I go, this journey takes you too.

Acrylic on Wood

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Monday, September 2, 2013

The Chase

The Chase

Here's my piece for the 2014 Werewolf Calendar!
The calendar pre-orders are open RIGHT NOW, and the first 150 orders will receive 3 free stickers!

Here's the caption I was assigned to illustrate:
Werewolves are adept trackers, being able to catalog and recognize a wide range of animal tracks. During times when game is lean, werewolf packs often become nomadic, straying from their established territories to track game, often following spoors for days between sightings. Being powerful athletes, werewolves will chase prey for hours without tiring, pack-mates taking turns chasing larger pray animals such as caribou until they wear down their target's stamina. Werewolves often will then drive their exhausted prey into their hidden, waiting pack-mates or away from their herd, allowing them to be cornered. 

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Friday, August 23, 2013

Heroes and Villains

(Click for a larger image)

Here's a piece I've been working on over the last few months! It's the wrap around cover for the 2014 Texas Furry Fiesta conbook, where the theme is Heroes and Villains! (I'll be there as GoH next year, and I'm excited!)

There are 20 pairs of heroes and villains!
In no particular order:
Chell/GLaDOS, Sherlock/Moriarty, Jedi/Sith, Blu/Red, Buffy/Vampire, Indiana Jones/Mola Ram, Rick Grimes/Zombie, Ghostbuster/Stay Puff Marshmallow, Mario/Bowser, Stark/Lannister, Ash/Jessie, Roadrunner/Coyote, Dr. Venture/Monarch, Peter Pan/Cpt. Hook, Riker/Borg, Cpt. Hammer/Dr. Horrible, Thor/Loki, Harry Potter/Voldemort, Sarah Connor/Terminator, Starfox/Wolf O'Donnell, Dr. Who/Dalek, Frodo/Gollum, Wolverine/Sabertooth

Acrylic/Watercolor, 12x18"(ish), & many hours

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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Four Cons, Four Weeks

Yeesh, it's been a crazy month. Four conventions, three of which are the largest ones we'll be doing this year, all in a four week span. It's been exhausting, to say the least!

* AnthroCon was especially great this year. We had a lot to celebrate that particular weekend, and being there over the 4th of July and the fireworks was just the icing on the cake.
* ComicCon International was giant, incredible, and overwhelming, as always. Juanjo Guarnido (illustrator of Blacksad) had some rad compliments for Nordguard: Across Thin Ice, so that alone made my whole convention. :]

This weekend, I'll actually be in two places at once. One half is in Baltimore for a gigantic tiny-horse convention (table 201 if you want to swing by to say hi and check out pony-related-paraphernalia!)

The other half will be closer to the home front, at Denver's Rocky Mountain Fur Con! Stop on by the dealer's den if you're keen to check out prints ranging from $5 and up, Scratches CDs, limited edition signed/numbered prints, a couple originals, Nordguard patches, and so on!
Sofawolf Press will also be at RMFC, with copies of Nordguard, the Nordguard Card Game, Dog's Days of Summer, and a whole lot more of their catalog!

(And hey, if you haven't checked it out--go on and look at our Room Party KickStarter! We're getting close to the FurCon Expansion stretch goal!)

Monday, July 15, 2013

A Secret, Seven Year Project

I'm really excited that within the week, I will be able to announce a project we've had in the works, off and on, for seven years. It started life as a drunk joke to poke fun at ourselves and, good-naturedly, at the geek cultures we identified with.

It's been "pseudo secret," something we've shared with friends at conventions over the years as it grew and developed. It became a little infamous, even.

Now, with the help of a couple amazing people, it's taken on a new life, and is ready for the world.

So, stay tuned. Trust me, it's pretty awesome. >:D